
August 2024 Recap

We're closing a very consequential month @ Noves, with several initiatives in-progress and some developments that we're really excited about.

New chains

As per usual, we're live on even more chains:

  • Sophon Testnet
  • Morph Holesky (new testnet)
  • Orderly Network
  • Matchain
  • Fraxtal

Our data is also live on more Blockscout instances, including Orderly Network and Matchain.

Analytics-grade data

We're beta-testing a new analytics offering for a few selected customers. We've been working for years in providing a missing semantic layer to blockchain data, and with analytics the power of this data is quite striking.

More on this to come soon.

New pricing integrations

We've added support for Balancer forks across a number of chains in our Pricing engine, and we've also added support for pricing Balancer LP tokens.

Changes and improvements in Translate API

  • New transaction type: rebalancePosition
    • Comes into play when a user rebalances a yield farming vault and/or some other kind of managed investment strategy position
  • Improvements to swap and addLiquidity
    • Expanded how these types work and get calculated for complex cases like swaps with multiple input and output tokens