Transaction History

Get a complete, human-readable history of your user's transactions.


We all know the feeling: you're browsing through your wallet's transaction history and you see a bunch of hexadecimal values with timestamps.

Furthermore, the history seems to be missing transactions.

The existing UX for transaction history in wallet applications is problematic in two ways: the data is incomplete and it is hard to interpret / make sense of.

A UX Problem

In the EVM world, a transaction can be relevant to a user through multiple channels. It's not just transactions that are initiated by the user himself that count.

Let's assume you're building a wallet and your user is Alice.

Typical scenario:

In a standard wallet experience, the only transactions that Alice will see in her history are those that:

  • she initiated
  • and
  • were executed through that particular wallet application

If Bob sends tokens to Alice through a transaction initiated by Bob, or if Alice receives an internal transaction from a smart contract call not initiated by her, then Alice will not see those transactions in her history.

To make it worse, when Alice goes through her transaction history, she'll see a list of hexadecimal strings or (if she's lucky) the function names for each transaction. But no further context or human-readable components to it.

Solve Both Problems At Once

Translate API offers a dedicated endpoint for getting a full transaction history for any wallet address, with a complete interpretation of what happened in each transaction.

Following on the example above, if Alice were using a wallet equipped with Noves data, she would see a transaction history of:

  • Every transaction that is relevant to her, regardless of the source
  • A human-friendly description that tells her what exactly happened in each transaction (e.g Added 100 USDC to a liquidity pool)

Learn how to implement Translate API for your wallet in the next section.