
Starts a job to fetch all transactions for an SVM wallet (and all associated accounts) in the given time range.

Normally, you will call this endpoint in lieu of calling the regular /txs endpoint.
As part of the job, both the primary address that you supply and all of its associated accounts will be fetched.
This will be processed in the background, and results will become available (in paginated form) once all transactions for all accounts have been fetched.

After starting the job:

  1. Use the returned nextPageUrl to start fetching the results (once they're available)
  2. If you get a 425, retry on an interval until you get a result back
  3. Repeat for subsequent URLs until you get to a page with no nextPageUrl field included

Note: Once you start a job, you will incur API CUs for its entirety (and you will be billed based on the number of transactions fetched).

Processing large date ranges may take some time. Use startTimestamp / endTimestamp parameters to control the size of the job.

Make sure to provide either a block range or a timestamp range, not both.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!